Get Saved Today!

Are you willing to believe with your heart and confess with your mouth? If yes, simply ask Jesus to save you from your sins, come into your heart to be your Lord and Savior, and take you to Heaven when you die.

Below is a simple prayer you can use to call upon the name of the Lord to save you from your sins.


" Dear Jesus, I know that I am a sinner and I deserve hell. I know that you paid my sin debt by dying on the cross for me. I am asking you to forgive me of my sins and come into my heart and life and be my personal Savior. Please take me to heaven when I die. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen!"

... Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone;  Ephesians 2:20b                                                        ...Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone; Ephesians 2:20b

Corner Stone Baptist Church  |  7995 Old Solomons Island Road,  Owings, MD  20736  |  410.257.0157  |  Ronald A. Titus, Pastor  | 301.855.5630

 If you prayed this prayer and meant it, you have been saved the Bible way.   Luke 15:10 reads,  "In the same way, I tell you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents."

To be assured and secured in your salvation, please go to the  assurance page.
